BeskrivelseBjørnetoppen peak seen from Rykkjedalen in Junkerdal national park.jpg
English: Junkerdal national park (Juŋŋkaravuome nasjonalpárkka) is located between Sulitjelma in the north and Junkerdal in the south, Nordland, Norway. The whole area is characterized by a very varied landscape that was formed during the ice age 10,000 years ago. The climate and favorable bedrock have provided a basis for life for many plant species. Many rare and endangered birds nest within the national park, including hunting falcon, king eagle and havelle. Junkerdal National Park has a relatively hot and dry summer climate. The climate and favorable bedrock have provided a basis for life for many plant species. The plant life in the eastern parts was conserved already in 1928 and the conservation was extended in 1935.
In the national park there are a number of plantations with great botanical wealth. Several of the vegetation types are generally rare. Many of the plants in the national park can be found only further north or on other continents.
The wildlife is diverse because of the rich vegetation. The wolverine and the lynx are firm here and the bear roam regularly through the area.
The National Park also has deposits of rare dawns, such as polar blue wing and hedgehog wing.
Junkerdal National Park is primarily the Sami area. Reindeer farms have been in the area from the 1500th to 1600s, but hunting and catching have been taking place in immemorial times.
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