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Orginal opplastningslogg
This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2010-05-01T10:29:31Z TUBS 1075x1273 (1705560 Bytes) == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description= {{de|Positionskarte (West- und Mittel-) [[:de:Deutschland|Deutschlands]]. Diese Karte zeigt den Gebietsstand zwischen 8. Juni 1947 bis 22. April 1949.}} Quadratische Plattkar
2009-10-11T20:26:38Z Zscout370 900x600 (377 Bytes) Back to Pantone, used
2009-09-28T20:31:55Z Zscout370 900x600 (377 Bytes) My colors were wrong, using RGB suggestions of the French Embassy in Germany
2008-10-27T06:40:03Z Scientus 900x600 (377 Bytes) fin
2008-10-27T06:34:43Z Scientus 900x600 (380 Bytes) sorry about that, colors out of order in svg, was redundant
2008-10-27T06:28:55Z Scientus 900x600 (395 Bytes) ==Sommaire== {{fr|[[:fr:Drapeau de la France|Drapeau de la France]]}} ---- {{af|[[:af:Frankryk|Frankryk]] se nasionale landsvlag.}} {{br|[[:br:Banniel da Bro-C'hall]]Banniel da Bro-C'hall.}} {{bg|[[:bg:Нацио
2007-10-10T05:34:50Z Zscout370 900x600 (420 Bytes) I took yalls suggestion and used the Pantone. I think this looks right. I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0 to get the Pantone shades; source was the French Embassy in Germany website (linked on the talk page)
2008-01-07T12:59:33Z Pianist 600x300 (2549 Bytes) I corrected proportions and colors according to «ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ О ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОМ ФЛАГЕ СОЮЗА СОВЕТСКИХ СОЦИАЛИСТИЧЕСКИХ РЕСПУБЛИК»
2007-08-15T17:19:31Z R-41 600x300 (4208 Bytes) Fixing colour error again, did not work last time for some reason
2009-08-25T22:14:31Z Zscout370 1900x1000 (9601 Bytes) Based on EO 1637 on 10/29/1912, from
2008-10-24T02:03:47Z Tkgd2007 380x200 (10774 Bytes) Correct the vertical spacing of stars.
2006-04-26T01:20:55Z Jacobolus 380x200 (40011 Bytes) [[w:Flag of the United States|US Flag]] with 48 stars. In use 4 July 1912–3 July 1959. Created by [[w:user:jacobolus|jacobolus]] using [[w:Adobe Illustrator|Adobe Illustrator]], and released into the public domain. [[Cat
2006-12-26T11:29:59Z Zscout370 1200x600 (1468 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
2006-05-07T10:22:29Z Yaddah 1200x600 (1468 Bytes) Move and edit from [[:Image:British-Government-Ensign.svg]]. Rewritten using [[:Image:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg]] by [[:User:Pumbaa80]]. [[Category:SV