Henri J.M. Nouwen
Henri Jozef Machiel Nouwen (født 24. januar 1932 i Nijkerk i Nederland, død 21. september 1996 i Hilversum) var en nederlandsk katolsk prest og forfatter av en rekke bøker om spiritualitet. Hans interesser i så måte var først og fremst rotfestet i psykologi, sjelesorg, spiritualitet, sosial rettferdighet og kommunitet. Nouwen lot seg inspirere av blant andre Anton Boisen, Thomas Merton, Rembrandt, Vincent van Gogh og Jean Vanier.
Henri J.M. Nouwen | |||
Født | 24. jan. 1932[1][2][3][4] Nijkerk | ||
Død | 21. sep. 1996[1][2][5][6] (64 år) Hilversum | ||
Beskjeftigelse | Skribent, universitetslærer, psykolog, katolsk prest, teolog | ||
Utdannet ved | Aloysius College, The Hague | ||
Søsken | Paul Nouwen | ||
Nasjonalitet | Kongeriket Nederlandene | ||
Utmerkelser | Thomas Merton Award (1985) | ||
Nouwen fikk Emmausprisen for boken Stillheten som skaper i 2002. I Norge er han spesielt kjent for boken Den Bortkomne Sønn Vender hjem.
Liv og virke
redigerHenri Nouwens far var sakføreren Laurent Nouwen, moren het Maria Ramselaar. Henry tok eksamen artium i Haag i 1950 og begynte i 1951 studier i teologi og filosofi ved presteseminaret i Rijsenburg ved Utrecht.
redigerPrestevielsen fant sted i 1957.
Deretter tjente han i erkebispedømmet Utrecht samtidig som han studerte psykologi ved det katolske universitet i Nijmegen (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen). Etter eksamen i 1964 arbeidet han i fire år i USA, først som foreleser i religion og psykiatri ved Menninger Clinic i Topeka i Kansas, deretter som gjesteprofessor ved det psykologiske fakultet ved University of Notre Dame.
I 1968 flyttet han tilbake til Nederland for å undervise ved det katolske teologiske institutt i Utrecht. Han tok også en teologisk eksamen ved Nijmegens universitet.
Etter tre år i Nederland vendte han tilbake til USA for å undervise i pastoralteologi ved Yale Divinity School, noe han gjorde til 1981. I løpet av disse år foreleste han også ved Ecumenical Institute i Collegeville i Minnesota og ved Pontifical North American College i Roma. I 1974 og 1978 tilbragte han flere måneder i Abbey of the Gesesee, et cisterciensk kloster i Piffard i New York.[7]
1980 og fremover
redigerI 1981 og 1982 besøkte han Latinamerika og viet meget av sin tid til de fattigste. 1983-1985 underviste han ved Harvard Divinity School. Deretter reiste han til Frankrike og bodde i ni måneder i et L'Arche-fellesskap, et kristent lokalsamfunn grunnlagt av Jean Vanier der psykisk utviklingshemmede og assister lever sammen i evangeliets ånd.[7]
redigerBøker av Nouwen
rediger- Intimacy: Pastoral Psychological Essays (1st utg.). Notre Dame, Indiana: Fides. 1969. OCLC 301590220.
- Creative Ministry (1st utg.). Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday. 1971. OCLC 152930.
- Pray to Live. Thomas Merton: Contemplative Critic (1st utg.). Notre Dame, Ind.: Fides Publishers. 1972 [Published in Dutch 1970]. ISBN 9780819005809. OCLC 488271.
- With Open Hands (1st utg.). Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria Press. 1972 [Published in Dutch 1971]. ISBN 9780877930402. OCLC 12152509.
- The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society (1st utg.). Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday. 1972. ISBN 9780385028561. OCLC 508647.
- Aging: The Fulfillment of Life. With Walter J. Gaffney (1st utg.). Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday. 1974. ISBN 9780385009188. OCLC 867917.
- Out of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian Life (1st utg.). Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave. Maria Press. 1974. ISBN 9780877930723. OCLC 744493807.
- Reaching Out: Three Movements of the Spiritual Life (1st utg.). Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday. 1975. ISBN 9780385032124. OCLC 1301440.
- Genesee Diary: Report from a Trappist Monastery (1st utg.). Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday. 1976. ISBN 9780385113687. OCLC 2020144.
- The Living Reminder: Service and Prayer in Memory of Jesus Christ (1st utg.). New York: Seabury Press. 1977. ISBN 9780866839150. OCLC 2655621.
- Clowning in Rome : Reflections on Solitude, Celibacy, Prayer, and Contemplation (1st utg.). Garden City, N.Y.: Image Books. 1979. ISBN 9780385151290. OCLC 4641701.
- In Memoriam (1st utg.). Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria Press. 1980. ISBN 9780877931973. OCLC 6435802.
- Making All Things New: An Invitation to the Spiritual Life (1st utg.). San Francisco: Harper & Row. 1981. ISBN 9780060663261. OCLC 7197150.
- The Way of the Heart: Desert Spirituality and Contemporary Ministry (1st utg.). New York: Seabury Press. 1981. ISBN 9780816404797. OCLC 6735240.
- A Cry For Mercy: Prayers from the Genesee (1st utg.). Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday. 1981. ISBN 9780385175074. OCLC 7247617.
- Compassion: A Reflection on the Christian Life. With Donald P. McNeill, Douglas A. Morrison and Joel Filártiga (1st utg.). Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday. 1982. ISBN 9780385176996. OCLC 7305940.
- A Letter of Consolation (1st utg.). San Francisco: Harper & Row. 1982. ISBN 9780060663278. OCLC 8221426.
- Gracias! A Latin American Journal (1st utg.). San Francisco: Harper & Row. 1983. ISBN 9780060663186. OCLC 9194907.
- Love in a Fearful Land: A Guatemalan Story (1st utg.). Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press. 1985. ISBN 9780877932949. OCLC 394993740.
- Lifesigns: Intimacy, Fecundity and Ecstasy in Christian Perspective (1st utg.). Garden City. N.Y.: Doubleday. 1986. ISBN 9780385236270. OCLC 13332921.
- Letters to Marc About Jesus: Spiritual Living in a Material World (1st utg.). San Francisco: Harper & Row. 1988 [Published in Dutch 1987]. ISBN 9780060663155. OCLC 18164701.
- Behold the Beauty of the Lord: Praying With Icons (1st utg.). Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria Press. 1987. ISBN 9780877933564. OCLC 15212809.
- The Road to Daybreak: A Spiritual Journey (1st utg.). New York: Doubleday. 1988. OCLC 17478431.
- In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership (1st utg.). New York: Crossroad. 1989. ISBN 9780824512590. OCLC 18778865.
- Heart Speaks to Heart: Three Prayers to Jesus (1st utg.). Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria Press. 1989. ISBN 9780877933939. OCLC 19650528.
- Walk with Jesus: Stations of the Cross. Illustrations by Helen David (1st utg.). Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. 1990. ISBN 9780883446669. OCLC 20490822.
- Beyond the Mirror: Reflections on Death and Life (1st utg.). New York: Crossroad. 1990. ISBN 9780824510077. OCLC 20635339.
- Show Me the Way: Readings for Each Day of Lent (1st utg.). New York: Crossroad. 1992. ISBN 9780824510299. OCLC 24543448.
- Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World (1st utg.). New York: Crossroad. 1992. ISBN 9780824511845. OCLC 25832267.
- The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Meditation on Fathers, Brothers and Sons (1st utg.). London: Darton, Longman & Todd. 1992. ISBN 9780232520026. OCLC 59979594.
- Jesus & Mary: Finding Our Sacred Center (1st utg.). Cincinnati, OH: St. Anthony Messenger Press. 1993. ISBN 9780867161892. OCLC 30302268.
- Our Greatest Gift: A Meditation on Dying and Caring (1st utg.). San Francisco, Calif.: HarperSanFrancisco. 1994. ISBN 9780060663551. OCLC 28799627.
- Here and Now: Living in the Spirit (1st utg.). New York: Crossroad. 1994. ISBN 9780824514099. OCLC 30593221.
- With Burning Hearts: A Meditation on the Eucharistic Life (1st utg.). Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. 1994. ISBN 9780883449844. OCLC 30154626.
- The Path of Power (1st utg.). New York: Crossroad. 1995. ISBN 9780824520038. OCLC 31934103.
- The Path of Waiting (1st utg.). New York: Crossroad. 1995. ISBN 9780824520007. OCLC 31934098.
- The Path of Freedom (1st utg.). New York: Crossroad. 1995. ISBN 9780824520014. OCLC 31969500.
- The Inner Voice of Love: Journey Through Anguish to Freedom (1st utg.). New York: Doubleday. 1996. ISBN 9780385483483. OCLC 34651338.
- Can You Drink the Cup? (1st utg.). Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave. Maria Press. 1996. ISBN 9780877935810. OCLC 34973848.
Posthume utgivelser
rediger- Adam: God's Beloved (1st utg.). Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. 1997. ISBN 9781570759949. OCLC 37432875.
- Bread for the Journey: A Daybook of Wisdom and Faith (1st utg.). San Francisco: Harper SanFrancisco. 1997. ISBN 9780060663599. OCLC 34926780.
- Sabbatical Journey: The Diary of His Final Year. New York: Crossroad. 1998. ISBN 9780824518783. OCLC 39261954.
- Earnshaw, Gabrielle, red. (2016). Love, Henri : letters on the spiritual life. New York: Convergent. ISBN 9781101906354. OCLC 934676656.
rediger- Mlecko, Joel, red. (1982). «The Family». A Christian Understanding of the Human Person : Basic Readings. New York: Paulist Press. ISBN 9780809124336. OCLC 8708612.
- «Insight and Availability». Feed my Sheep : Sermons on Contemporary Issues in Pastoral Care. New York: Paulist Press. 1984. OCLC 10865217.
rediger- «Generation Without Fathers». Commonweal: 287. 12. juni 1970. Besøkt 16. juni 2015.
- «Training for Campus Ministry». Pastoral Psychology. 18 (March): 27–38. 1973.[8]
- «Finding the Friendly Space». The Episcopalian: 8–10, 44. juni 1973.[8][9]
- «Compassion: Solidarity, Consolation and Comfort». America. 134 (10): 195. 13. mars 1976. Besøkt 16. juni 2015.
- «The Gift of Solitude». Faith/At/Work. 89: 28–29. April 1976.[8][9]
- «Drawing Closer to God and Man». The Sign: 10–16. mai 1976.[8][9]
- «Solitude and Intimacy in the Family». A.D. Correspondence: 10–16. 31. juli 1976.[8][9]
- «Called to be Hosts». Faith/At/Work. 89: 30–31. September 1976.[8][9]
- «Living the Questions: The Spirituality of the Religion Teacher». Union Seminary Quarterly Review. 32 (Fall): 17–24. 1976.[8][9]
- «Reflections on Political Ministry». Network Quarterly. 4 (4): A1–A2. høsten 1976.[8][9]
- «Disappearing form the World». The Sign: 5–7. November 1976.[8][9]
- «Compassion: the Core of Spiritual Leadership». Worship. 51: 11–23. januar 1977.[8][9]
- «What Do You Know by Heart?». Sojourners. 6: 14–16. August 1977.[8][9]
- «Compassion in a Callous World». Sojourners. 6: 15–18. September 1977.[8][9]
- «Not Without Confrontation». Sojourners. 6: 9. oktober 1977.[8][9]
- «The Authority of Suffering». Sojourners. 6: 10. November 1977.[8][9]
- «Five Faculty Views [on the University's Mission]». Yale University's Journal: 10–11. November 1977.[8][9]
- «Voluntary Displacement». Sojourners. 6: 15. desember 1977.[8][9]
- «The Poverty of 'No Control'». Sojourners. 7: 11. januar 1978.[8][9]
- «Solitude and Community». Worship. 52: 13–23. januar 1978.[8][9]
- «The Faces of Community». The Catholic Worker. 52: 3, 7. mars–april 1978.[8][9]
- with Donald McNeill and Douglas Morrison (mars 1978). «The Parish as a Community of Compassion: A Style of Pastoral Leadership». St. Luke's Journal of Theology. 21: 89–101.[8][9]
- «Anchored in God Through Prayer». Sojourners. 7: 20–21. April 1978.[8]
- «Contemplation and Ministry». Sojourners. 7: 9–12. juni 1978.[8][9]
- Nouwen, Henri J. M. (1978). «Celibacy». Pastoral Psychology. 27 (2): 79. doi:10.1007/BF01026771.
- «The Hell of Mercy: Confronting Merton's Spirituality». Sojourners. 7: 19. desember 1978.[8][9]
- «Solitude: The Inner Fabric of Christian Community». Sojourners. 8: 20–23. mars 1979.[8][9]
- «Letting Go of All Things: A Response to "The Work of Prayer"». Sojourners. 8: 5–6. mai 1979.[8][9]
- «The Monk and the Cripple: Toward a Spirituality of Ministry». America. 142. 15. mars 1980. Besøkt 14. juli 2015.
- «The Desert Counsel to Flee the World: Solitude and Contemporary Ministry». Sojourners. 9: 14–18. juni 1980.[8][9]
- «Silence, The Portable Cell: The Word Which Creates Communion». Sojourners. 9: 22–26. juli 1980.[8][9]
- «Descend with the Mind into the Heart: The Call to Unceasing Prayer». Sojourners. 9: 20–24. August 1980.[8][9]
- «As I See It: Our God Is a God Who Cares». Church Leaders Bulletin for Laity and Clergy: 1–5. høsten 1980.[8][9]
- «What is the Goal of Spiritual Growth? Moving from Absurdity to Obedience». Faith/At/Work. 93: 7. september–oktober 1980.[8][9]
- «Spiritual Direction». Reflection: 7–8. januar 1981.[8][9]
- «Encounter in Solitude». Sign: 10–17. februar 1981.[8][9]
- «Temptation: The Pull Toward Upward Mobility». Sojourners. 10: 25–27. juli 1981.[8][9]
- «A Self-Emptied Heart: The Disciplines of Spiritual Formation». Sojourners. 10: 20–22. August 1981.[8][9]
- «Spiritual Direction». Worship. 55: 399–404. September 1981.[8][9]
- «Where You Would Not Rather Go». The Princeton Seminary Bulletin. 3: 237–239. 1982. Arkivert fra originalen 15. juli 2015. Besøkt 14. juli 2015.
- «Prayer and Peacemaking». Catholic Agitator: 4–6. desember 1982.[8][9]
- «Reflections of Fr. Henri Nouwen After a Month in Nicaragua». Mercy on Your People, Lord: 1–2. juli 1983.[8][9]
- «Henri Nouwen's Plea for Nicaragua». National Catholic Reporter: 9–11. 26. august 1983.[8][9]
- «We Drink from Our Own Wells». America. 149: 205–208. 15. oktober 1983.[8][9]
- «Christ of the Americas». America. 150: 293–302. 21. april 1984.[8][9]
- «Creating True Intimacy: Solidarity Among the People of God». Sojourners. 14: 14–18. juni 1985.[8][9]
- «Prayer Embraces the World». Maryknoll: 17–21. April 1985.[8][9]
- «Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit: The Gift's of God's Love». Sojourners. 14: 26–30. juli 1985.[8][9]
- «Living in Joyful Ecstasy: A Celebration of Our Life in Christ». Sojourners. 14: 27–31. august–september 1985.[8][9]
- «Prayer and Resistance: A Spirituality of Peacemaking». Harvard Divinity Bulletin. 16: 5–7, 10. oktober–november 1985.[8][9]
- «Moving from Solitude to Community». Christianity Today (Spring): 81. 1995. Besøkt 16. juni 2015.
Forord, innledninger og etterord
rediger- Dufresne, Edward R (1975). Partnership: Marriage and the Committed Life. New York: Paulist Press. ISBN 9780809118663. OCLC 1340563.
- Finley, James (1978). Merton's Palace of Nowhere : A Search for God Through Awareness of the True Self. Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press. ISBN 9780877931584. OCLC 4270582.
- Palmer, Parker (1979). In the belly of a paradox : a celebration of contradictions in the thought of Thomas Merton. Wallingford, Pa. OCLC 4916532.
- Palmer, Parker J. (1980). The promise of paradox : a celebration of contradictions in the Christian life. Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria Press. s. 125. ISBN 978-0877932093. OCLC 6912176.
- Leech, Kenneth (1980). Soul friend : the practice of Christian spirituality. San Francisco: Harper & Row. ISBN 9780060652258. OCLC 5829986.
- Vanderwall, Francis W (1980). Spiritual Direction : An Invitation to Abundant Life. New York: Paulist Press. ISBN 9780809123995. OCLC 8126098.
- Matthew the Poor (1984). The communion of love. Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press. s. 234. ISBN 978-0881410365. OCLC 10798945.
- Romero, Óscar A.; Brockman, James R. (1985). The Church is all of you. London: Fount Paperbacks. OCLC 12946628.
- Vanier, Jean (1985). Man and Woman He Made Them. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press. ISBN 9780317289022. OCLC 13025956.
- Looy, H van der (1987). Rule for a new brother. Springfield, Ill.: Templegate Publishers. OCLC 20784342.
- Lucey, Rose Marciano (1987). Roots and Wings : Dreamers and Doers of the Christian Family Movement. San Jose, Calif.: Resource Publication, Inc. ISBN 9780893901134. OCLC 15730906.
- Turner, Gordon Bruce (1987). Outside Looking In. Toronto: The United Church Publishing House. ISBN 9780919000377. OCLC 718038315.
- Francis de Sales; Jane de Chantal. Transl. by Péronne Marie Thibert. Introd. by Wendy M. Wright Preface by Henri J.M. Nouwen (1988). Letters of spiritual direction. New York: Paulist Press. s. 296. ISBN 9780809104086. OCLC 17650584.
- Romero, Óscar A.; Brockman, James R. (1988). The violence of love : the pastoral wisdom of Archbishop Oscar Romero. San Francisco: Harper & Row. OCLC 17441916.
- Grout, Phil (1989). Seeds of hope: a faith journey. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press. OCLC 22549536.
- Wojcicki, Ed (1991). A crisis of hope in the modern world. Thomas More Press. OCLC 24700369.
- Livingston, Patricia H. (1992). Lessons of the heart : celebrating the rhythms of life. Notre Dame, Ind.: Ava Maria Press. OCLC 27035756.
- Miller, Keith (1992). The taste of new wine. Orleans, Mass.: Paraclete Press. OCLC 28113151.
- Okhuijsen, Gijs; Opzeeland, Cees van (1992). In heaven there are no thunderstorms : celebrating the liturgy with developmentally disabled people. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press. OCLC 24953297.
- Imbach, Jeffrey D. (1992). The revovery of love : Christian mysticism and the additive society. New York: Crossroad. OCLC 804932583.
- Arnold, J. Heinrich (1994). Discipleship: living for Christ in the daily grind. Farmington, PA: Plough Pub. House. s. 282. ISBN 978-0874860665. OCLC 711797886.
- Living the Beatitudes : daily reflections for Lent. Cincinnati, OH: St. Anthony Messenger Press. 1995. s. 103. OCLC 32219687.
- Gaddy, C. Welton (1995). A love affair with God : finding freedom & intimacy in prayer. Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman & Holman Publishers. OCLC 30076314.
- Thompson, Marjorie J. (1995). Soul feast : an invitation to the Christian spiritual life. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press. OCLC 31934282.
- Buser, Christella (1996). Flowers from the ark : true stories from the homes of l'Arche. New York: Paulist Press. OCLC 33440840.
- Jonas, Robert A. (1996). Rebecca : a father's journey from grief to gratitude. New York: Crossroad Pub. s. 150. ISBN 978-0824515522. OCLC 33948374.
- Delaney, John J. (1997). The practice of the presence of God. Foreword by Henri Nouwen. New York: Image Books/Doubleday. OCLC 50767601.
- Eddy, Robert Merrill; Eddy, Kathy Wonson (1997). Writing with light : meditations for caregivers in word and image. Cleveland, Ohio: United Church Press. OCLC 36103672.
- Guardini, Romano (1997). Preparing yourself for Mass. Manchester, N.H.: Sophia Institute Press. OCLC 36133254.
- Gutiérrez, Gustavo (2003). We drink from our own wells : the spiritual journey of a people. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. OCLC 53483687.
- De Waal, Esther (2011). A retreat with Thomas Merton. Norwich: Canterbury Press. OCLC 706789402.
Lesebøker og kompilasjoner
rediger- Circles of love. London: Darton, Longman and Todd. 1988. ISBN 978-0232517378. OCLC 17676710.
- Olfson, Lewy (red.). The primacy of the heart : cuttings from a journal. Madison, Wi.: St. Benedict Center. s. 47. OCLC 18341567.
- Durback, Robert, red. (1989). Seeds of hope : a Henri Nouwen reader. Toronto: Bantam Books. s. 213. ISBN 9780553053326. OCLC 18462950.
- Neilsen, Mark (red.). The Lord is near : advent meditations from the works of Henri J.M. Nouwen. St. Louis, Mo.: Creative Communications for the Parish. s. 31. OCLC 52305721.
- Nouwen, Henri (1996). Ministry and spirituality : Creative Ministry, The Wounded Healer, Reaching Out. New York: Continuum. ISBN 9780826409102. OCLC 460063449.
- Adams, James E., red. (1997). In joyful hope : meditations for Advent. St. Louis, Mo.: Creative Communications for the Parish. s. 30. OCLC 40450769.
- Nouwen, Henri (1997). Spiritual Journals: The Genesee Diary, Gracias!, the Road to Daybreak. New York: Continuum. ISBN 9780826410108. OCLC 851118116.
- Adams, James E., red. (1998). Be with me, Lord : prayers and reflections for the Advent season. St. Louis, Mo: Creative Communications for the Parish. s. 31. OCLC 40450707.
- Jonas, Robert A., red. (1998). Henri Nouwen : writings. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. s. 121. ISBN 9781570751974. OCLC 39658880.
- Dear, John, red. (1998). The road to peace : writings on peace and justice. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. ISBN 9781570751806. OCLC 247074247.
- Beauty of the beloved : a Henri J.M. Nouwen anthology. London: Darton, Longman & Todd. 1999. OCLC 44484274.
- Greer, Wendy Wilson, red. (1999). The only necessary thing : living a prayerful life. New York: Crossroad Pub. Co. s. 224. ISBN 9780824524937. OCLC 42022401.
- O'Laughlin, Michael, red. (2001). Jesus : a gospel. Maryknoll, N.Y: Orbis Books. s. 150. ISBN 9781570753848. OCLC 248433921.
- Jones, Timothy, red. (2001). Turn my mourning into dancing : moving through hard times with hope. Nashville, Tenn.: W Pub. Group. s. 111. ISBN 9780849945090. OCLC 47746315.
- Durback, Robert, red. (2002). Henri Nouwen : in my own words. London: Darton, Longman and Todd. s. 140. ISBN 9780232524635. OCLC 49395080.
- Laird, Rebecca; Christensen, Michael J., red. (2003). The heart of Henri Nouwen : his words of blessing. New York: Crossroad Pub. s. 207. ISBN 9780824519858. OCLC 51861789.
- Neilsen, Mark, red. (2003). Renewed for life : daily Lenten meditations from the works of Henri J.M. Nouwen. Fenton, Mo.: Creative Communications. s. 31. OCLC 298930313.
- Durback, Robert, red. (2003). A retreat with Henri Nouwen : reclaiming our humanity. London: Darton Longman & Todd. s. 84. ISBN 9780232525298. OCLC 59286491.
- Eternal Seasons: A Liturgical Journey with Henri J.M. Nouwen. Notre Dame, Ind.: Sorin Books. 2004. ISBN 9781893732773. OCLC 53131852.
- Ford, Michael, red. (2005). The dance of life : spiritual direction with Henri Nouwen. London: Darton, Longman & Todd. s. 130. ISBN 9780232526059. OCLC 58555552.
- The Dance of Life: Weaving Sorrows and Blessings into One Joyful Step. Ave Maria Press. 2005. ISBN 9781594710872. OCLC 66266716.
- Bauer, Judith A., red. (2005). An hour with Henri J.M. Nouwen. Liguori, MO: Liguori. s. 31. ISBN 978-0764813054. OCLC 298930353.
- Sroka, Len, red. (2005). Henri Nouwen illuminated. Skokie, IL (5559 W. Howard St., Skokie, 60077): ACTA Publications. ISBN 9780879462888. OCLC 70869802.
- Nouwen, Henri J.M. (2005). Show me the way : readings for each day of Lent (New utg.). London: Darton Longman & Todd. s. 144. ISBN 9780232526486. OCLC 62226427.
- Imbach, Jeff, red. (2005). Words of hope and healing : 99 sayings. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press. s. 99. ISBN 9781565482272. OCLC 57722628.
- Arrivals and departures : the restless world of Henri J. M. Nouwen. London: Darton Longman & Todd. 2007. s. 102. ISBN 9780232527100. OCLC 166374027.
- Ford, Michael, red. (2007). Eternal seasons : a spiritual journey through the church's year. Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria Press. s. 251. ISBN 9781594711473. OCLC 173516430.
- A Restless Soul: Meditations from the Road. Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria Press. 2008. ISBN 9781594711633. OCLC 176877040.
- Jonas, Robert A., red. (2009). The essential Henri Nouwen (1st utg.). Boston: Shambhala. s. 191. ISBN 978-1590306642. OCLC 316233304.
- Waldron, Robert, red. (2009). Henri Nouwen : a book of hours. New York: Seabury Books. s. 160. ISBN 978-1596271128. OCLC 369137270.
- Christensen, Michael; Laird, Rebecca (2010). Spiritual Formation: Following the movements of the Spirit. New York: HarperOne. ISBN 9780061686122. OCLC 456180150.
- Christensen, Michael J.; Laird, Rebecca J., red. (2011). Spiritual direction : wisdom for the long walk of faith. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. s. 172. ISBN 9780281064229. OCLC 692277496.
rediger- ^ a b BeWeb, BeWeB person-ID 3695, besøkt 14. februar 2021[Hentet fra Wikidata]
- ^ a b Babelio, oppført som Henri Jozef Machiel Nouwen, Babelio forfatter-ID 174445[Hentet fra Wikidata]
- ^ Find a Grave, oppført som Henri Nouwen, Find a Grave-ID 5590, besøkt 9. oktober 2017[Hentet fra Wikidata]
- ^ Social Networks and Archival Context, oppført som Henri Nouwen, SNAC Ark-ID w6k19fsj, besøkt 9. oktober 2017[Hentet fra Wikidata]
- ^ Autorités BnF, oppført som Henri Jozef Machiel Nouwen, BNF-ID 11917916m[Hentet fra Wikidata]
- ^ oppført som Henri Nouwen, pantheon.world, besøkt 9. oktober 2017[Hentet fra Wikidata]
- ^ a b Nouwen, Henri J.M., Texter i urval, Libris 1994
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z æ ø å aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap LaNoue, Deirdre (2000). The Spiritual Legacy of Henri Nouwen (1st utg.). New York: Continuum. s. 157–160. ISBN 9780826412836. OCLC 44469051.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z æ ø å aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an «Series 9 - Published works». Discover Archives. The Henri J.M. Nouwen Archives and Research Collection. 30. august 2012. Besøkt 17. juni 2016.
- Earnshaw, Gabrielle (2011). The Henri J.M. Nouwen Archives and Research Collection. John M. Kelly Library, University of St. Michael's College.
- Ford, Michael (1999). Wounded prophet : A Portrait of Henri J.M. Nouwen. New York: Doubleday. ISBN 9780385493727. OCLC 40444468.
Litteratur om Nouwen
rediger- Beumer Jurjen, Henri Nouwen: ett rastlöst sökande efter Gud. Örebro: Libris 1999. ISBN 91-7195-273-X
- Earnshaw, Gabrielle, red. (2006). Turning the wheel : Henri Nouwen and our search for God. Maryknoll, NY.: Orbis Books. OCLC 123485283.
- Beumer, Jurjen (1997). Henri Nouwen : a restless seeking for God. New York: Crossroad Pub. Co. ISBN 9780824517687.
- Nouwen then : personal reflections on Henri. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan. 1999. ISBN 9780310224624.
- Ford, Michael (1999). Wounded Prophet : A Portrait of Henri J.M. Nouwen. New York: Doubleday. ISBN 9780385493727.
- Hernanez, Wil (2006). Henri Nouwen: A Spirituality of Imperfection. New York: Paulist Press. ISBN 9780809144341.
- Higgins, Michael W.; Burns, Kevin (2012). Genius Born of Anguish: The Life & Legacy of Henri Nouwen. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Novalis. ISBN 9780809147854.
- LaNoue, Deirdre (2000). The Spiritual Legacy of Henri Nouwen (1st utg.). New York: Continuum. OCLC 44469051.
- O'Laughlin, Michael (2004). God's Beloved : A Spiritual Biography of Henri Nouwen (1st utg.). Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. ISBN 9781570755613.
- O'Laughlin, Michael (2005). Henri Nouwen: His Life and Vision (1st utg.). Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. ISBN 9781570758225.
- Porter, Beth (ed.) (26. juni 2001). Befriending Life: Encounters with Henri Nouwen. Doubleday. ISBN 978-0-385-50202-3.
- Pomerleau, Claude, red. (2006). Remembering Henri : the life and legacy of Henri Nouwen. Maryknoll, NY.: Orbis Books. OCLC 68220900.
Artikler og essays
rediger- Callahan, Annice (1992). «Prophet of conversion / Henri Nouwen (1932- )». Spiritual guides for today : Evelyn Underhill, Dorothy Day, Karl Rahner, Simone Weil, Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen. New York: Crossroad. s. 176. ISBN 9780824511098.
- Smith III, James D. (2006). «Christian spirituality envisioned : a pastoral appreciation of Ernst Kitzinger, Margaret Miles, and Henri Nouwen (Harvard, 1976-85)». The subjective eye : essays in culture, religion, and gender in honor of Margaret R. Miles. Pickwick Publications. OCLC 70277239.
- Trenn, Thaddeus J. (September 2006). «Science and the Mystery of the Human Person» (PDF). Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation. 58 (3): 216–224.